Delong Zhou, Ph.D.
Postdoc Researcher at Bagot Lab of Behavioural Neurogenomics at McGill University
Postdoc Researcher at Bagot Lab of Behavioural Neurogenomics at McGill University
My current research project under Rosemary Bagot, Ph.D. at McGill University aims to determine how a depression-impacted brain region responds to psilocybin, a potential cure for people unresopnsive to current treatments. The findings will improve our understanding of how psilocybin works, therefore support the development of psilocybin and other novel depression treatments.
My Ph.D. project supervised by Michelle Scott, Ph.D and Sherif Abou Elela, Ph.D. at University of Sherbrooke studied how alternative splicing is regulated and how it impacts cell function. Alternative splicing allows one gene to produce multiple proteins of different or sometimes even opposite functions. My work helps to explain how the same splicing regulators can cause opposite outcomes in different tissues. I also developed Sapfir, a webserver to annotate how changes in splicing lead to changes in protein function to help analyze RNA-seq experiments.
My internship supervised by Lluis Mir, Ph.D. at UMR 8203 Laboratoire de Vectorologie et Thérapeutiques Anti-cancéreuses at CNRS-Institut Gustave-Roussy, Villejuif, France investigated how short bursts of electronic pulses destabilize the cell membranes to introduce chemicals into the cells or to fuse multiple cells. This technique is used to manipulate cytosolic calcium concentration or to fuse cells with different interesting properties to create a hybrid cell line with those properties combined.